Stare in the Garden

~ Stare Goes To The Fairground ~

One sunny day, Stare was feeling full of glee. Her eyes were as spritely as the early bird (not that she likes proverbs - too many of them are reminders of what could happen to the eye e.g. a rolling eye gathers no moss).
Stare felt, however, that this morning, she had definitely caught the worm.

So in her cheery mood, Stare picked up the paper and turned to the Leyesure pages, to see what was going on that day. To her astonishment an adverteyesment immediately jumped out and hit her in the eye. There was a fairground nearby for the next two nights.
Meye, meye, thought Stare - I must go to this.

However, being Stare, she had to invite a few friends along - not only did she invite Mrs Davies, but all her henchmen came along as well!

So at eight that night, they all set out to the fairground. They faced traffic jams along the way, but Stare majestically manouevred all the other cars out of the way with her extra-strong cords.
The lights appeared to be going against them as well initially. That was until Stare turned them to coloured stone (an art she has learnt by studying colour photocopiers) so that they all remained green.

When they got to the fairground, all the henchmen were thoroughly excited, but being wintertime, Stare made them wear balaclavas, scarves and woollen gloves, in case they caught a cold. They all wanted to try out the rides, so that they did.

The first ride they went on was the big wheel. Stare was thrilled by this, even though she had trouble unwinding her eye cords from the riggings of the machine at the end of the ride.
They then went into the haunted house - Stare covered her eyes for much of the ride, and Mrs Davies was continually trying to de-haunt all the monsters by putting daisy-chains around them.

After this ride, though, Stare noticed the henchmen rushing to the nearby dodgems.
'Noooo' cried Stare. 'I cannot let you on the bumpeyer cars'. However Stare was too late - they were on them! Stare felt she had to join them to ensure their safety.
Poor Stare - her eyes were flung to and fro, high and low. Her cords were flattened by the bumper cars, and electrocuted by the sparks. Mrs Davies' flower collection was thrown everywhere!
Stare spent an hour rejuvenating her eyes after this and Mrs Davies was in despair over the loss of her precious daisies.
Stare had had enough of the rides for one night.

Therefore, they all went to the stalls. Stare wanted a go at shooting the coconuts with the air-rifle. Mrs Davies knocked one down, but Stare was hopeless to start with. So while she stunned the attendant for five minutes with her glances, she knocked all of the coconuts down with a giant swing of her cords.
When the attendant awoke, he saw the coconuts were demolished and gave Stare a goldfish in a bag.
'How lovely' said Stare, 'a goldfish!'.
However, Stare's impatience with the goldfish soon began to show as she couldn't get it to look at her. She therefore changed to stone-making mood and stared the goldfish into a figurine for Mrs Davies' daisy-surrounded rock pool in the garden.

One thing Stare hadn't expected that night, was to see mushrooms growing around each of the rides. She then noticed a tingling sensation in the pupil.
'Aaaah' shrieked Stare, 'John is here'.
Rapidly Stare, Mrs Davies and the henchmen rushed back to the car and went home. Stare had started the day in a good mood, but once again it had ended in disaster.


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