Stare Cave

~ Stare Goes to the Leisure Centre ~

It was a sunny morning, and Mrs Davies was out on her lawn doing her daisy chains. She never seemed to grow tired of them, thought Stare as she stared thoughtfully through the window, her rehearsed hands running several photocopies of her henchmen's art. If only I could be that interested in flowers. She pondered this, her eyes twisting painfully into knots every now and then. Face it, she was tired of life, and her henchmen were growing bored of the daily ritual of photocopier-examining.

Then, as if in a flash, her eye cords stiffened out as straight as boards; she had an eye-dea! No, she wasn't interested in flowers, they irritated her eyes so, but she was interested in fauna. A trip to the zoo! Good staring practice for my henchies, she added to herself. And so that was that. They all started about making sandwiches deftly with their eyes, and, as Stare noted with pride, were all washed behind the sockets.

I dont't know quite how they got their but all the henchmen and Stare arrived at the zoo in her little Vanden Plus.

They were all very excited, but a quick domineering stare brought them all into order.
"So, my henchies,... quiet pleeease...OK...look, I can wait here all day if eye have to

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to Robert Down