Stare in the Garden

~ Stare In The Garden ~

Stare's mushrooms are soon going to be marketable. Ever since she began to grow them she has been staring them into submission, and by now they are so submissed that they are growing cords just to please her - she has created a new variety!

However, being Stare, she is never content with something that is good, and she has also been growing other things. Her vegetable patch is showing a wide variation - she particularly likes the potatoes for their eyes, and the ridges on the celery stalks remind her of strong cords (hers are weakening, as it has been a long time since she last returned home to the planet Stare).
One thing she can't stand though, is the dirt that she throws up while she is digging. If it is a particularly windy day, she'll never go out and do the gardening for fear of grit in her eyes. Imagine that - it would be just like running a piece of paper across the eye!

Stare prefers to keep away from her onions, for obvious reasons, but she allows her trainee henchmen to cut up her spring onions to see the structure and shape of the staroid eye - they resemble this so much.
Stare doesn't dig up her fully grown vegetables - especially those with long dangly roots - these are dug up by her henchmen because they remind her of the time her great starefather's eye was gouged out by a sharp piece of dust from a flying meteorite and all the vessels were just hanging off it.

Mrs Davies potters around, singing sweet tunes whilst eating sugar candy. She never speaks to Stare - she just whispers in her whispy voice and plants thousands of daisies day after day in the beautiful flower garden. These are her delight, but Stare keeps away due to the pollen.
If ever a daisy sprouts in Stare's vegetable patch, she shrieks in dispare and fixes Mrs. Davies in an evil stare.

Of course, there is also the greenhouse. Stare doesn't like the greenhouse though, as it dries her cornea and she knows that if she ever looks at the sun through the greenhouse panes, she will need to rush home for eye surgery (this can only be done on the planet Stare).

Stare's garden is one to be proud of even if it is a mixture of eyevrything.


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