One wintry morning, Stare got out of bed and put on her woollen slippers. They were the ones with bobbles on the end, and , of course, being Stare, she had made them look like eyeballs by adding a dot of gouache to each.
It was cold, so Stare dressed warmly and made sure she wore six layers of clothing - after all, she didn't want to catch a cold!
When she was finally up and about, and her eyeballs had widened to maximum extent, she decided that today was the ideal day for shopping. Of course, shopping would be boring on her own for she needn't even leave the house! So instead, she decided to take Mrs Davies and her henchmen along as well.
When Stare found Mrs Davies in the garden wearing nothing but a summery dress, she was eyepulled! Surely Mrs Davies should have more sense than this - she would obviously catch a cold.
So to Mrs Davies and the henchmen's anneyeance, she took her collection of a hundred balaclavas out of the drawer and told them to wear them.
When they finally arrived at the shops, Stare was extremely thirsty. It had been a long dreyeve, with lots of traffic jams which she had had to manoeuvre out of the way with her strong cords. Straight away, therefore, they rushed to McDeyenolds. Stare ordered some chicken McNeyegets, large eyes, a hot apple eye and a small cokord.
To start with the person serving looked dumbfeyended until she realeyesed what Stare was on about.
They all sat down, Stare happy with her meal, Mrs Davies discontented with hers, for she had wanted some Camomile tea and a passionflower pie. The henchmen filled the whole restaurant , but not to matter.
Stare had a few problems with her meal. She was too inquisitive today, and found that having tried to squeeze her inside her drinking straw, she couldn't get it out again!
'Another case of curiosity killed the Stare' thought Mrs Davies as she munched gleefully on her beefburger, on which she had placed several drops of daisy oil to improve the taste.
After they had finished their meal they all went shopping. Stare couldn't keep her eyes together while they were in the amusement aracde - she was hypnotised by the machines, but eventually she found a way of staring the screen characters to stone so that she could win every time.
Mrs Davies was happy to spend forever in the gardening shop, but Stare dragged her out as soon as she had glimpsed the mushrooms in the corner.
When they were in Booteyes, Stare was not paying enough attention to Mrs Davies. While she of the eyes was looking at the wonderfully designed Christmas cards, Mrs Davies has been testing out some flowery perfumes. When Stare turned round a few seconds later, her eyes tingled like mad, as Mrs Davies was testing the perfumes right beheyend her.
The most interesting part of the day for Stare though, was the escalators. She just couldn't work out how they worked! Up and down, round and round, went her eyes until they were all a-twist in frustration. Before she could stay and examine the escalators for longer though, she saw Mrs Davies and her henchmen heading back to the car. Oh well, at least she'd bought something today.
Hench, she rushed after them and they drove home. When they got back, Stare opened out her shopping bag and placed a further one hundred balaclavas in the draw.
'You never know when the next batch of henchmen will come along,' she whispered to herself, eyes a-beam.