Stare, being Stare, is always curious. Hence when she found out that her two twin nephews, Cordius and Plasmi were having an open-day at their preyemary school, she decided she'd go and have a look. After all, there might be a new make of photocopier there!
On the Freyeday of the next week, Stare leapt out of bed, eyes all
a-goggle. She knew the eye-open day had arrived! Jumping into her
car, with barely an eye for getting ready, she rushed to the school
as quickly as possible (she was late as it was, because she had been
up late studying the MGS photocopier the night before).
When Stare arrived she found the school full of students. 'Ideal
henchmen material' thought Stare as she brushed past the group of
children in the doorway.
One teacher stopped her in her tracks as she was was about to go
through a doorway.
'Do you have pupils here?' questioned the teacher
Stare looked daggers at her - 'Yes, I
do' said Stare, 'right infront of you, if you pleeeassse.' and she stared the little
woman into stone. No-one questions MY pupils, she thought!
Stare strolled down the main corridor, looking
intently at the pictures on the wall as she walked along. When she
came to one which was painted in gouache she was profoundly
interested, and stood for nearly ten minutes admiring the texture of the
'Oh, to have a world full of gouache' she pondered, eyes distant.
Suddenly a noise from behind startled her, almost making her eyes pop
from their sockets!
It was little Plasmi, trying to get her attention.
His eyes were bulging when she turned
round, and she followed him as he rushed outside.
'What's the matter,
Plasmi?' she whispered.
Plasmi, with sensitive ears like Stare's
could hear her question, unlike most people, and said to her, 'It's
Cordius - he's fallen over in the playground and hurt his cords!'
Stare screamed in alarm and alighted to the nearby playground. When
she found Cordius, he was sitting on the ground crying.
'Now, now' said Stare, 'let's take a look.' And with that she peered
into his little sockets.
'Oh, it's only a small scratch, don't be such a baby. A little bit of medical gouache
should do the trick,' she reassured him. Stare wiped
Cordius's eyes dry and left him with Plasmi, while she went back
inside. She tutted as she walked away - surely Cordius would have to
grow up soon - he'll never make a good starer otherwise.
When she was back inside, Stare decided to look in the pottery room.
Everyone was sitting down at a wheel and there was one spare.
have a go at this', thought Stare, and she sat down on the leather
To start with Stare was enjoying the pot-making. However, when
it came to shaping the thing she stared too intently and closely at
the shape of it, that her eye became intrinsically caught around the
'Aaah!' shrieked Stare as she tried to stop the wheel. Her
cord was almost fully stretched by the time she had stopped it. Stare
untangled her cords and rushed to the bathroom to wash off the clay. She had had
enough for the day.
However, being disorientated as she was, she didn't know her way out.
The school was a maze of corridors anyway.
'It must be this door,' she thought, as she walked straight into the
old caretaker's room.
Once she was in there she found to her dismeye
that the door had locked behind her. She was trapped!
'Ah!' screamed
Stare, 'let me out, let me out,' cords flying everywhere.
However, her shrieks went unheard
for over half an hour.
It was only when she had untangled her cords from the saw and the box of nails in the corner, somewhat to her discomfort, that she gathered her senses together and peered through the keyhole. Eyeha! There was the old caretaker! She called to him and he turned round to open the door, wondering where the noise was coming from.
When he entered the room, Stare thanked him, and began
to tell him how she had come to be in there in the first place. However,
after a minute or two, she noticed that he was looking at her in a
rather strange manner.
'Eye-ooer, stop eyeing me up, you lecherous old man!' she shrieked, and
knocked him senseless with one sharp flick of her left cord.
Stare rushed out of the room, her hair alive with fright.
She pulled herself onto the roof through a sun-window (using her
ultra-strong cords) and climbed down the nearest drainpipe to her
car. That was the last time Stare would be going to an open day!!!